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Biomedical Research and Therapy - Vietnamese Journal for Medical Biotechnology and Medicine Incorporating Advances in Regenerative Medicine publishes 12 peer-reviewed issues each year, covering a wide range of biomedical and clinical sciences. Unlike many open-access journals, which charge authors for publication while providing free reader access, Biomedical Research and Therapy does not require fees for subscription, submission, processing, publication, or color image reproduction. Recognized internationally, this journal is committed to disseminating high-quality research in an open-access format, emphasizing basic, translational, and clinical studies on molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies. It includes research involving animal models and clinical trials. The rigorous peer-review process ensures that only scientifically, technically, and ethically sound articles adhering to standard reporting guidelines are published. The journal’s editorial policies are in strict alignment with standards set by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), upholding the highest principles of publication ethics.

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Clarivate Journal Citation Reports 2024


Clarivate Plc has released the 2024 update to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The reports provide a comprehensive resource of high-quality journals, ranked by field to enable academic institutions, researchers and publishers to gauge the significance of journals in the global research landscape. Changes to journal rankings include the addition of the Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Only journals that have met the rigorous quality standards for inclusion in the Web of Science Core Collection are featured within the Journal Citation Reports, to ensure that users can confidently rely on the information and descriptive data provided. The annual reports provide a rich array of publisher–independent data, metrics and analysis to enhance user understanding of journal performance, including the widely recognised Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and the Journal Citation Indicator. 

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Original Research

In silico identification and gene expression of miR-148a-5p and IL-6 in hypothyroid patient blood samples

by Suthagar P., Puthiya Purayil A., S., U., Parambath A., K., Sekar D.

Summary: Hypothyroidism, marked by a deficiency in thyroid hormone levels, is a common condition with varying clinical presentations. The diagnosis primarily relies on statistical reference ranges of biochemical parameters, which remains a topic of contention. While manageable, untreated cases can lead to serious consequences. MicroRNAs, small non-coding RNAs, have been implicated in hypothyroidism and other diseases, underscoring their significant role in pathophysiology.

Original Research

Effects of Imiquimod Application Durations on Psoriasis-like Lesions and Cytokine Expression in Mice

by Tran P., Le L., Le T., Van T., Vu N.

Summary: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder with a complex pathogenesis, prominently involving the IL-17/IL-23 pathway. The imiquimod (IMQ)-induced mouse model is widely utilized for preclinical psoriasis research. This study aims to elucidate the effects of different durations of IMQ exposure on the development and characteristics of psoriasis-like lesions and the underlying changes of related cytokines in mice.

Original Research

Development of a 3D-printed negative pressure cutter for precise apical resection in neonatal mouse hearts

by Le M.,-T., Pham T.,-T.,-H., Le T.,-H., Phan Q.,-H., Vo V.,-T., Le N.-B.

Summary: The cardiac cells of neonatal mice, only one day old, exhibit ongoing cell cycle activity for a duration of 14 days following parturition. Their hearts have a strong capacity to replace cardiomyocytes, which disappears in adulthood, in order to respond to injuries sustained during that time. Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the intrinsic regenerative capacity of neonatal mice's hearts following a resection of 1 millimeter from the ventricular apex. However, it should be noted that there is currently a lack of specialized cutting tools designed specifically for this particular field of research. This absence of appropriate instruments may result in challenges when attempting to achieve consistent sample cuts, as human error can introduce variability. Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that larger cuts may pose a significant risk to the subject's life.


Correlation of Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy with Atypical Oral Cellular Changes: A Cytological Study in Cancer Patients

by Abdelmoneim I., Idris A. A. A.

Summary: Oral cancer is a prevalent global health issue, with chemotherapy and radiation therapy commonly used in its treatment.


Platelet reactivity in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing dual antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel

by Nguyen N., Nguyen M.

Summary: Dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT), incorporating aspirin and a P2Y12 receptor inhibitor, is advised for patients experiencing acute coronary syndrome and for those with coronary artery stents, aiming to mitigate the risk of cardiac events attributable to thromboses. Nevertheless, the therapeutic challenge lies within the narrow therapeutic window where either excessive or deficient platelet reactivity (PR) during DAPT can predispose to thrombotic events or hemorrhage, respectively. This underscores the criticality of attaining an optimal PR level throughout the course of therapy. Accordingly, this study was conducted to evaluate PR among Vietnamese patients administered with DAPT, examining the implications for coronary artery disease management. This study aimed to evaluate PR in the context of aspirin therapy, utilizing the VerifyNow system, and to evaluate PR in the context of clopidogrel therapy, also utilizing the VerifyNow system.


Association between Ag-NOR dots and immunohistochemical markers in different grades of breast ductal carcinoma

by Fadil T., M., A., Ellaithi M., M., H., Idris A. A. A.

Summary: Breast cancer is recognized as a significant health issue in developed countries.

Case report

Acquired Platelet Dysfunction with Eosinophilia: A Case Series

by Saidin N., I., S., Min F., A., N., Zulkafli Z., Rahman W., S., W., A., Iberahim S., Hassan M., N., Noor N. H. M.

Summary: Acquired platelet dysfunction with eosinophilia (APDE) is characterized by a temporary impairment in platelet function accompanied by significant eosinophilia. This condition, also known as "non-thrombocytopenic purpura with eosinophilia," primarily affects children in the South-East Asian region, presenting as a bleeding disorder.

Original Research

Reduction of Apoptotic Gene Expression by Platelet-rich Plasma in a Mouse Model of Premature Ovarian Failure

by Manshadi E., D., Rezvani M., E., Hassanpour A., Mehrgerdi F., Z., Lotfi M.

Summary: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been proposed as a therapeutic intervention for regenerating impaired ovarian tissue and improving outcomes in women with premature ovarian failure (POF). One characteristic of POF is the upregulation of proapoptotic genes such as P53 and Caspase3, which lead to the apoptosis of granulosa cells and monocytes. This study aims to evaluate the effects of PRP on reducing the expression of P53 and Caspase3 genes.

Original Research

Hydroethanolic Leaves Extract of Amaranthus Cruentus Protects Against Lead-Induced Hepatorenal Toxicity in Rats

by Otabil J., Larbie C., Ossei P., P., S., Genfi A. K. A.

Summary: Liver and kidney disorders are of substantial concern in global health, posing significant challenges due to the unwanted side effects often associated with conventional treatment drugs. The exploration of natural antioxidants for their management has garnered attention due to the potential for fewer side effects. This study focuses on the protective effects of Amaranthus cruentus hydroethanolic leaf extract (HE) against lead-induced hepatorenal toxicity in rats, aiming to provide a safer alternative in managing these conditions.

Case report

Sclerosing Osteomyelitis of Jaw – A Case Series and Literature Review

by Gopal K S., Chandran N., Ramesh S., Ravi P.

Summary: Osteomyelitis, a serious condition marked by inflammation of the medullary cavity, Haversian system, and adjacent bone cortex, requires urgent medical attention, especially when it involves the jaw. This condition is particularly concerning due to its potential to cause significant facial disfigurement and the increased risk of the infection spreading to the skull base or fascial spaces of the head and neck. Among the facial bones, the mandible is more commonly affected by osteomyelitis than the maxilla. This discrepancy is attributed to the anatomical and physiological differences between these bones; the maxilla benefits from a rich collateral blood flow and possesses a thin cortical bone, both of which reduce its vulnerability to infections. In this case series, we present three cases of osteomyelitis in patients who had underlying debilitating conditions such as diabetes mellitus and deleterious habits, which acted as predisposing factors for the development of the disease. These cases highlight the complex interplay between systemic health issues and the susceptibility to localized bone infections. The first two cases involve a patient with poorly controlled diabetes, emphasizing how chronic hyperglycemia can impair immune function and compromise healing, thereby facilitating the onset and progression of osteomyelitis. The third case features a patient with a history of tobacco use, illustrating the detrimental impact of deleterious habits on vascular health and immune response. In addition to detailing these cases, this series provides an overview of the current understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment strategies for osteomyelitis. Treatment typically involves a combination of surgical debridement, antimicrobial therapy, and management of underlying conditions to enhance immune function and promote recovery.

Original Research

Impact of Anthropometric and Genetic Factors on Plasma SIRT1 Level in Men with Essential Hypertension and Heart Failure

by Leonidivna S., Oleksandrovych D., Vyacheslavivna M., Mykolayovych Z.

Summary: Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) emerges as a promising biomarker for heart remodeling in the context of essential arterial hypertension (EAH). Additionally, the levels of certain plasma peptides might signal myocardial fibrosis and the progression of heart failure (HF) in hypertensive patients. Despite this potential, conflicting data exist regarding the marker's diagnostic value in HF patients. This study aims to explore the impact of anthropometric factors on plasma SIRT1 levels in men diagnosed with EAH and HF, considering the rs7069102 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the SIRT1 gene.

Original Research

Assessing LDL Cholesterol Management and Statin Use in Diabetic Patients: Disparities and Outcomes in a Vietnamese Tertiary Hospital Setting

by Nguyen S., Nguyen D., Dang V., Doan B., Dinh B., Nguyen T., Nguyen C., Pham D.

Summary: The control of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is a critical concern, especially for patients with diabetes, where the use of statins is essential. Despite this necessity, actual treatment practices and the achievement of LDL cholesterol targets are often suboptimal. This study aimed to assess the rate of LDL cholesterol goal attainment and examine statin prescribing habits within the cardiology and endocrinology departments of a tertiary hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Harnessing Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors Against Gastric Cancer: Charting the Course to Expanded Therapeutic Benefit

by Chung D., Tung D., Dung T.

Summary: Cancer immunotherapy has become a groundbreaking approach in treatment, with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) showing exceptional success in blocking the pathways that tumors use to escape immune detection. This review delves into the clinical significance and predictive power of ICIs in the treatment of gastric cancer. It introduces ICIs, explaining their mechanisms of action, reviews key findings from critical trials, and discusses the role of programmed death ligand-1 (PDL1) testing as a potential biomarker for selecting suitable patients. The review also addresses the limitations of PD-L1 testing, while highlighting emerging predictive markers and ongoing research aimed at discovering novel biomarkers, optimizing therapeutic combinations, characterizing the tumor microenvironment, and understanding mechanisms of resistance to therapy. This effort to optimize ICIs aims to extend their significant clinical benefits to a larger group of patients with gastric cancer. In summary, this review provides specialists with an updated overview of the advancements in employing immunotherapy against gastric cancer and outlines the path towards enhancing patient outcomes through continuous research and the refinement of biomarkers.

Case report

Autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial progenitor cells transplantation showed potential benefits for type 2 diabetes mellitus Filipino patients: a case series

by Guzman M., S., A. D., Apelado M., P., B. Panuelos J., P. Heralde III F., M. Relacion P., R. Bilbao A., B. Tan-Liu N., S. Barzaga M. T. A.

Summary: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a serious metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia and insulin resistance. Long-standing T2DM may lead to various macro- and microvascular complications such as diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy. Currently available treatments for T2DM target high plasma glucose levels but do not address T2DM-associated complications. In this report, the therapeutic application of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) transplantation in improving diabetic blood monitoring parameters among selected T2DM patients was investigated.



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Editors' quote


Phuc Van Pham, Editor-in-Chief

Biomedical Science is an important scientific field that directly effects to diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. The journal provides an important avenue of publication in translational aspects of biomedical research and therapy spanning from in vitro to preclinical studies, clinical research and commercialization.


Biomedical Research and Therapy (ISSN 2198-4093) is the official journal of Stem Cell Institute, University of Science, VNUHCM, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

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